Golf Cart/ Non-Motorized Vehicle Registration

Golf Cart/ Non-Motorized Vehicle Registration

  • Owner Info

  • The Association’s Golf Cart Policy was announced at the August 7, 2001, Homeowner’s Meeting and was published in the Fall Issue 2001 of the “ Chapel Hills Voice.” as well as being on our website at The Policy requires the registration of all Homeowner owned carts. The carts are to be registered as Amenity Passes are issued in the spring of 2002. In addition, the Association recommends that golf cart operators be sixteen (16) years of age or older, if unsupervised, the same as the Golf Course requirement. The Association strongly recommends that children under the age of twelve (12) NOT be allowed to operate the cart at any time. Parents, at their discretion, may allow their children between the ages of twelve (12) and sixteen (16) to operate the cart while they are in attendance.